- 1946
Is founded as a private firm by Satoshi Kobayashi, at 3-Chome, Higashi Tateishi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
- 1952
Kobayashi Shoten Corpotation is established with capital of 900,000 yen and its main office is established at the same location.
- 1955
The Kuramae Sales Office is opened (Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo).
- 1956
The main office was moved to 3-chome, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo.
Katsushika Sales Office opened, using the former main office's building.
- 1957
The capital is increased to 3.6 million yen.
- 1958
Katsushika Plant is completed. (3-chome, Higashitateishi, Katsushika-ku,Tokyo)
The production of KOBASOL is started.
- 1960
The capital is increased to 10.8 million yen.
- 1961
The capital is increased to 20 million yen.
- 1963
A vinylon bag plant is completed (Misuji, Taito-ku, Tokyo).
The production and sales of vinylon bags started.
- 1965
The Matsudo Plant is completed (Matsudo-shi, Chiba).
The production of KB Pack for produce is started.
The vinylon bag plant is closed and its operations are transferred to the Matsudo Plant.
- 1967
Katsushika Sales/Branch Office is completed.
- 1970
The main office building and warehouse is completed.
- 1973
The company' name is changed to KOBAYASHI & CO., LTD.
- 1974
The capital is increased to 40 million yen.
The Hirosaki plant is completed. (Hirosaki-shi, Aomori)
The production of KB Pack (for apples) begins.
- 1975
The production of PSP sheets and trays begins.
- 1979
The Ina plant is completed. (Kamiina-gun, Nagano)
The production of PSP pear packs begins.
- 1981
The Katsushika plant is expanded.
The KOBASOL production facility is expanded.
- 1982
An additional warehouse is built inside the Ina plant.
Satoshi Kobayashi Blue Ribbon Medal is received for contributing to the industry.
- 1985
The capital is increased to 80 million yen.
The 1st phase of the Katsushika plant’s improvement work begins.
- 1986
An additional warehouse is built inside the Ina plant.
- 1987
The Fuji plant is completed. (Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka)
The production of OPALAY cups begins.
The company’s name is changed to KB Japan CO., LTD. and KB Japan begins operating as a real estate management company.
At the same time, KOBAYASHI & CO.,LTD. is established (a new company) and the operation is transferred to it.
- 1989
The new main office building is completed.
The organization is restructured, and the management and sales divisions are moved to the main office building.
- 1990
A new facility to mold and print on PSP ramen cups is installed, as well as an additional warehouse is built, inside the Fuji plant.
- 1991
The Fifth-Class Satoshi Kobayashi Order of the Rising Sun is received for contributing to the industry.
- 1992
The Hirosaki plant is expanded.
- 1993
An additional warehouse is built within the Fuji plant.
- 1994
SK Chemical Engineering CO.,LTD. is established.
The Katsushika plant is approved as a JIS Display Certified Factory.
The production of sealing material for construction begins.
- 1995
Tatsuo Kobayashi is appointed as CEO. Satoshi Kobayashi is appointed as Chair.
KB PACKAGE CO., LTD. is established in Hong Kong.
- 1996
KOBASOL No.4 JET (Japan Electrical Testing Laboratory)
Provisional permission for organic insulator upper limit testing is obtained.
HONG KONG KB CO., LTD. is established in Hong Kong.
- 1997
The Ishioka plant is completed. (Omitama-shi, Ibaraki)
- 1998
The Matsudo plant is closed and transferred to the Ishioka plant.
The Matsudo distribution center opens at the site where the Matsudo plant used to be.
- 2000
The KOBASOL Division is registered for ISO9001 inspection.
The production of KOBASOL begins in China.
- 2001
The Technical Center is newly established inside the Matsudo Distribution Center and becomes the Matsudo Plant.
- 2002
A celebration is held to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the company's foundation.
- 2003
The Shiga plant is completed. (Omihachiman-shi, Shiga)
The KOBASOL Division is registered for ISO 14001 inspection.
- 2004
KB PACKAGE CO., LTD. and HONG KONG KB CO., LTD. merges to establish KB ENTERPRISE (HK) CO., LTD. in Hong Kong.
Osaka Sales Office opens.
The company acquires shares of Ube Air Sealing Housing (currently Japan Energy Saving Housing Co.,Ltd.), becoming its head stockholder.
The Matsudo branch of Research & Development Section (currently Technical Research Laboratory) is established inside the Matsudo Plant.
- 2007
The second phase of construction of the Shiga plant is completed.
KB ENTERPRISE (HZ) CO.,LTD. is established in Huizhou.
- 2008
KB ENTERPRISE(SH) CO., LTD. is established in Shanghai.
- 2010
The Packaging Division and Fuji plant obtains ISO 9001 certification.
- 2011
The Ina second plant is completed.
The Ishioka plant obtains ISO9001 certification.
- 2012
Tohoku Sales Office is established.
A celebration is held to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the company's foundation.
- 2013
The Shiga plant obtains ISO9001 certification.
- 2014
Kobe Sales Office is established.
The company receives the License For Selling And Leasing Specially Controlled Medical Devices.
- 2016
The Tohoku plant is completed. (Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi)
The company acquires shares of KAMAGAYA SEITAI CO., LTD. making it a subsidiary.
- 2017
Women's Health Japan K.K. is established as a subsidiary.
- 2018
The expansion of the Hirosaki plant is completed.
The Kansai plant is completed. (Joyo-shi, Kyoto)
The Tohoku plant obtains ISO9001certification.
- 2020
The company acquires shares of SEEDS PACK to make it a subsidiary.
The Ina plant, Hirosaki plant, Distribution Materials Division, New Business Division: High-Performance Film Team, Technical Research Laboratory, and High-Performance Film G obtain ISO9001 certification.
KB ENTERPRISE(VN) CO., LTD. is established in Vietnam.
- 2021
Tatsuo Kobayashi Blue Ribbon Medal is given for contributing to the industry.
KB Holdings CO., LTD. is established.
The company distributes dividend-in-kind shares of Women’s Health Japan K.K. to make it a subsidiary of KB Holdings CO., LTD.
The company obtains 100% shares of Fine Techno Co.,Ltd. to make it a subsidiary.